Along the Archival Grain Reading Room
Reading Room
A An article about engineer Megume Suenaga who worked with Eikichi Iso. He was in charge of technology development during Taichung 65 research.
B Budiarto, Gema. 2021. “Media Poster Dan Film Sebagai Instrumen Propaganda Militer Jepang Di Indonesia 1942-1945” in JURNAL AGASTYA VOL 11 NO 1. Pp. 35-56.
D Djawa Baroe 1943-1945. Leiden University Libraries. Digital Collections.
Danquah, Francis K. 1990. “Japan’s Food Farming Policies in Wartime Southeast Asia: The Philippine Example, 1942-1944” in Agricultural History, Vol. 64, No. 3 (Summer, 1990), pp. 60-80.
G Grajdanzev, Andrew J. 1942. Formosa Today: An Analysis of the Economic Development and Strategic Importance of Japan’s Tropical Colony. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations.
I Isnaeni, Hendri F. 2012. Antara Padi Bulu, Cere, dan Horai. Apr 5. Accessed Jan 14 2023.
J Japan’s propaganda songs (audio), arranged by Leilani Hermiasih
Japan’s propaganda songs (musical notation), arranged by Leilani Hermiasih
K Kratoska, Paul H. 1998. Food Supplies and the Japanese Occupation in South-East Asia. Edited by Paul H. Kratoska. Houndmills: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. Pp. 1-7.
Kurasawa, Aiko. 1993. Mobilisasi dan kontrol: studi tentang perubahan sosial di pedesaan Jawa, 1942-1945 Seri pengkajian kebudayaan Jepang. Jakarta : Yayasan Karti Sarana dengan Penerbit PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
L Leow, W. Y. (2020). Horai Rice in the Making of Japanese Colonial Taiwan. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 9(1), 40-66.
M Mizuno, Hiromi. (2020). Mutant rice and agricultural modernization in Asia, History and Technology, 36:3-4, 360-381, DOI: 10.1080/07341512.2020.1862991
N National Taiwan University. (n.d.). Revival of the NTU Eikichi Iso Memorial House: History of Taiwan’s favorite rice.
Naval History and Heritage Command. (n.d.). Victory in the Pacific: Japan’s Surrender and Aftermath. August–October 1945.
S Setiadarma, EG. 2019. Cultivating Pembangunan: Rice and the Intellectual History of Agricultural Development in Indonesia, 1945-65. The 2019 Arryman Symposium.
Shu-ling, Ko. (2018). Taiwanese rice has its roots in Japan.
Shu-ling, Ko. (2018). How early 20th-century Japanese rice breeders shaped the future of the staple food in Taiwan.
V Van der Eng, P. (2008). Food Supply in Java during War and Decolonisation, 1940-1950.
W Wie, Thee Kian. 2013. “THE INDONESIAN ECONOMY DURING THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION” in Masyarakat Indonesia, Volume 39, No. 2, pp. 327 – 339.