3.2 Rice Handover Policy and Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku

Along the Archival Grain 3 “Nippon” The Light of Asia, Protector of Asia, Leader of Asia: Unveil Agriculture Violences 3.2 Rice Handover Policy and Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku


Rice Handover Policy and Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku

In 1942, the Japanese government implemented the Rice Handover Policy (Kebijakan Penyerahan Padi). The policy aimed to increase food productivity by expanding rice fields in Java. Farmers had to hand over their harvest exclusively to the government to ensure sufficient food supplies during the war. The Rice Handover Policy and the Rice Distribution Policy (later developed as Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku) were integrated under the Office for Food Supply (Syokuryō Kanri Zimusho), the institution responsible for rice purchase and distribution under Japan’s government monopoly.

In November 1943, the Japanese government launched the Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku (Urgent Measures for Food Supply) to further increase food productivity in times of war. One of the policies was the expansion of agricultural land, including the use of house yards and empty yards in cities for farming. To control production for war needs, Japan forbade Javanese farmers to intercrop and enforced new farming techniques.

Kinkyu Shokuryo Taisaku included:
• Introducing new rice crops (Horai rice)
• Creating innovations in rice planting techniques, including larikan (planting rice as one straight line) and ganzume (Japanese farming rake)
• Recommending composting in house yards
• Improving farm infrastructures
• Expanding farm fields  on vacant spaces in town through deforestation
• Training farmers

Aiko Kurasawa, 1993, Mobilisasi dan Kontrol Studi tentang Perubahan Sosial di Pedesaan Jawa 1942-1945, Jakarta: Grasindo, hal. 3.


I. An article about how to plant rice. Source: Djawa Baroe, 6th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

Pengairan Padi_db 1944 (2604) Ed 6.pdf

II. A propaganda article on Rice Handover Policy which said “Let’s hand over your rice starting in the IV month.” With this policy in effect, rice was sold at a fixed price set by the government. Source: Djawa Baroe, 7th Edition, year 2605 (1945). 

PENYERAHAN PADI_ KAPAS PEKARANGAN_ DAPUR_db 1945 ed 7.pdf (hanya halaman 4 – 6)

III. An article about rice handover. Source: Djawa Baroe, 14th Edition, year 2605 (1945). 

PENYERAHAN PADI_db 1945 ed 14.pdf
Recommendation of the Rice Handover Policy in The Central Advisory Council (Chuo Sangi In) assembly.

Rapat Sidang Chuo Sangi In yang merekomendasikan politik penyerahan padi (only page 10).

IV. “Increasing the harvest” as an attempt to escalate agricultural supply in Java. Source: Djawa Baroe, 24th Edition, year 2603 (1943). 

HASIL PRODUKSI TANI_Ed 24_2603.12.15.jpg
HASIL PRODUKSI TANI 2_Ed 24_2603.12.15.jpg

V. A propaganda article titled, “Rice, the Offering for the Final Victory” about the Rice Handover Policy, the mobilization of mass organization, such as paramilitary youth wing (推進体 Suishintai), Hiz’boellah, and Seinendan (青年団), cooperative (Kumiai), and propaganda to make a Neighborhood Association (Tonari Gumi). Source: Djawa Baroe, 13th Edition, year 2605 (1945). 

BERJUANG LEWAT PANGAN_3_db_2604.1.15_2.jpg

VI. “The ‘farm field’ heroes in multiplying food production.” Source: Djawa Baroe, 7th Edition, year 2604 (1944). 


VII. “Women behind the battle lines dive into the attempt of multiplying food production.” Source: Djawa Baroe, 23th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

PADI _ SHUO SANGI IN_db 1944 ed 23.pdf (last 3 pages)

VIII. Propaganda articles about  multiplying food production

BERJUANG LEWAT PANGAN_3_db_2604.1.15_2.jpg
Djawa Baroe, 3rd Edition, year 2604 (1944).

LIPAT GANDA HASIL BUMI_Ed 7_2604.4.1.jpg
Djawa Baroe, 7th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

Djawa Baroe, 8th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

IX. The attempt to multiply food production got amazing results because of the leaders’ will to teach and bravery.

Cited from the article, “the aim to multiply food production resulted in tons of food divided into three forms: rice, gogo rice and corn within 5 months, starting from the 11th month of last year to the end of the 3rd this year.” Source: Djawa Baroe, 8th Edition, year 2604 (1944). 


X. “Strikes to Multiply Harvest.” Source: Djawa Baroe, 9th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

PANEN_Ed 9_2604.5.1(1).jpg
PANEN_Ed 9_2604.5.1.jpg

XI. Atonement! By multiplying food production. Source: Djawa Baroe, 13th Edition, year 2604 (1944).

PERTANIAN_ USAHA PANGAN ADALAH TOBAT_db 1944 ed 13.pdf (hal 16-17 saja)

XII. Efforts to multiply food resources in Java. Source: Djawa Baroe, 3th Edition, year 2604 (1944).


XIII. Source: Djawa Baroe, 13th Edition, year 2605 (1945).

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