Along the Archival Grain 3 “Nippon” The Light of Asia, Protector of Asia, Leader of Asia: Unveil Agriculture Violences 3.1 The First Development of Horai Rice in Indonesia
The First Development of Horai Rice in Indonesia
With an abundance of fertile lands and a labour force, Java was regarded as a pivotal producer, whose role was to massively increase food supply by escalating rice production.
Under the slogan of ‘Multiply Food Production’, the Japanese government imposed food policies on various levels. Since their arrival in 1942, Japan had introduced new seeds, invented a new irrigation system, sent Japanese experts to villages to demonstrate new techniques, and enforced tight regulations to plant specific seeds.
One of the new seeds that were introduced is Horai rice, a breed of Indica and Japonica rice developed in Taiwan. It was experimented in Bogor Agricultural Experiment Station (Bogor Noji Shikenjo) before its implementation in several residencies (Shu) across Java. After a sequence of tests, only two types of Horai were suitable, namely Taichung 65 and Kanan Ni Go (which was also introduced in Malaysia). The first Horai planting was in Cirebon residency.
Van der Eng, P. 1994. Food Supply in Java during War and Decolonisation, 1940-1950 (Vol. 25). University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies.
Kurasawa, Aiko. 1993. Mobilisasi dan kontrol: studi tentang perubahan sosial di pedesaan Jawa, 1942-1945 Seri pengkajian kebudayaan Jepang. Jakarta : Yayasan Karti Sarana dengan Penerbit PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
Setiadarma, EG. 2019. Cultivating Pembangunan: Rice and the Intellectual History of Agricultural Development in Indonesia, 1945-65. The 2019 Arryman Symposium.
Isnaeni, Hendri F. 2012. Antara Padi Bulu, Cere, dan Horai. Apr 5. Accessed Jan 14 2023.
I. “How Exciting it is to Glean the Harvest. Center of Bogor Agricultural Experiment.”
Title in the cover of Djawa Baroe, 17th Edition, year 2604 (1944) showed the importance of agricultural propaganda during the Japanese colonial era through science and technological inventions. This cover portrays a smiling farmer with rice crops.
Source: COVER PADI_Ed 17_2604.9.1.jpg
Experimental farm, Pusat Penyelidikan Pertanian Umum Bogor (Center of Bogor General Agricultural Experiment) in Pasar Minggu, Jakarta.
Source: Sayur Mayur Nippon Tumbuh di Jawa_db 1944 (2604) Ed 14.pdf
MENAMBAH KEMA’MOERAN TANAH AIR (IMPROVING THE NATION’S PROSPERITY). A video footage of Japanese specialists teaching farmers in an experimental farm (Shikenden) in Java. Source: Nippon Eiga Sha
II. Rice planting in Madiun and Bogor led by a Japanese expert. Together with farmers, they implemented new techniques taught by the expert. In this particular archive, it reads “Javanese and Japanese people are helping each other in multiple agricultural harvests”. Source: Djawa Baroe, 18th Edition, year 2603 (1943)
TANAM PADI BERSAMA__Ed 18_2603.9.15.jpg
TANAM PADI BERSAMA 2_Ed 18_2603.9.15.jpg
PADI DI MADIUN DAN BOGOR_db 1943 ed 18.pdf
III. Horai rice was propagated by Japan to multiply rice harvest, because it had a short nursery period and can be planted in arid land. The archive presents the planting experiment of Horai rice in Cirebon Shu, West Java. Source: Djawa Baroe, 16th Edition, year 2603 (1943).
PADI HORAI_Ed 16_2603.15.4..jpg
PADI HORAI_Ed 16_2603.15.4.(1).jpg
IV. Djawa Baroe, 14th Edition, year 2604 (1944).
Sayur Mayur Nippon Tumbuh di Jawa_db 1944 (2604) Ed 14.pdf
V. Injured troops were transferred to the agricultural sector as farmers. They planted rice, vegetables, wheat, and other crops. In this archive, they are called “white dressed heroes” who worked joyfully”. Source: Djawa Baroe, 5th Edition, year 2604 (1944).
FOTO TANAM PADI_ed 5_2604.3.1..jpg
PAHLAWAN HASIL BUMI_ed 5_2604.3.1..jpg
VI. Farmers carried the harvest in Java. Source: Djawa Baroe, 9th Edition, year 2604 (1944).
PANEN_Ed 9_2604.5.1.jpg